Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog Note Update

Posting has been slow of late, and for that I apologize.  I have re-tooled the message for three main reasons:
  1. To give the blog a more distinct and personal feel
  2. To make posts timelier and more scheduled
  3. To tie the blog into other social media

Here is what I came up with:
  1. Posts will now exclusively cover how various things impact someone’s portfolio, and how to capitalize on them or how to mitigate risk. It could be a macro event, a theory, or just something which occurred to me from reviewing countless research.  Regardless, it will focus on possible impact on the markets.
  2. I will post twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday with a more precise message.
  3. I will tie in a Twitter account and link it to other platforms, like Linkedin.  When this happens I will outline where to follow.

So, look for regular posting as outlined above starting Thursday.  And if you have any questions, comments, want me to touch on something, or anything else please email me – zabrams@capitalavisorsltd.com