Monday, October 7, 2013

Nothing New, Except my ACL

I apologize for the recent lack of posts.  I had knee surgery last week, and my absence is the result of prepping and recovery. I had really expected to be able to blog during the first week of recovery since I am a seasoned veteran of ACL surgery: this is my third; however, this time included more extensive work, and that didn't turn out to be the case. In fact as I write this I am still out of the office with limited mobility, with five more weeks on crutches.  In short, I hate my knees.

The markets must have detected my absence, as my hiatus hasn't yielded any real news of note.  This isn’t surprising, of course.  Here are 10 things that appear to be roughly the same as a few weeks ago.
  1. Domestic equity markets are at roughly the same place.
  2. Yields are still much higher than they were earlier in the year, though have seen a noticeable change since I've been gone.  
  3. The Fed is still contemplating to taper or not to taper its bond purchases. 
  4. Economic data has been expansionary.  
  5. Syria, still in a Civil War.  No action taken.  But maybe.
  6. The Government may did shutdown. This may be resolved postponed, etc. by the time of the post.  My guess is there will be kicking and screaming and right before it’s about to matter whichever party is losing the PR battle will cave.
  7. There is also the debt ceiling too.  (See resolution to shutdown).
  8. Emerging Market stocks are still attractively valued.
  9. Europe is still Europe
  10. One Big Change: Cleveland sports in the aggregate are no longer the national punching bag.  If Jacksonville counts, I think they win that distinction.

Frankly, most two week spans are strikingly similar:
  1. Dominant trends tend to play out over longer periods of time.Thus, items that are worthy of attention tend not to change overnight and stories that are mostly noise self-reinforce to produce more noise.  
  2. Seldom does any of this news require immediate reaction, in fact responding to new data without quality analysis often backfires.
  3. While this lack of movement is boring, it bodes well for those of us who are off the grid for a while, either by choice or for ACL replacement.

I need to get caught up and back up to speed this week, but you can expect regular, roughly bi-weekly posting to resume later this week or next week.

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