Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Presidential Race

First, this blog is non-partisan for a variety of reasons.  Second, this is not a partisan post; I just want to bring to light observations on the Presidential race.

One of my favorite “news” sites is Drudge Report mainly because it’s totally headline driven, contains some very good pop culture links, and funny pictures.  I also frequent the NYT.  What appears clear to me is that in national polls Obama and Romney seem tied.

Where it gets interesting is the Intrade betting markets, where Obama is more heavily favored with Romney making ground.  Intrade problems aside, why the disconnect?  The election isn’t decided by the popular vote but by the Electoral College.

Econbrowser did a nice job of laying this out drawing on Real Clear Politics and Intrade numbers.  I again liked to look at the Intrade map, which outlines Electoral College bets on each state.  It’s a nice to play with the math and see the different outcomes.

The one conclusion I came to, and as Econbrowser pointed out, Ohio is really the only state that matters.  I took it one step further and put together a chart of the Obama values (higher = more likely to win) since September 1, when contract volume picked up:

The correlation is almost 1, which advances the theory “as Ohio goes, the election goes”, or whatever it is they say.